How good will the Tigers play the Twins?

April 29, 2010

I think they will play them hard and good this year.  Verlander should have some very good games against them.  They can hit Baker and Blackburn very well and will.  They might get shut down from time to time but they should have a just above .500 record against the Twins this year.  Their pitching should give up a lot of runs but there hitting should save them a lot.  There bullpen shouldn’t have to much of a struggle against the Twins.  The one guy they won’t be able to shut down is Jason Kubel, Mauer will be tough.  The Tigers should find a way to squeeze these games out.  When they play the Twins starting Monday they should play them a s tough as they did this series.  The Tigers should be great and not back down against the Twins and should win because of that.  The Twins should win soke games just because their style of ball.