Chance Each Team Has At Winning Qorld Series

Phillies: 55%
Tigers: 35%
Yankees: 30%
Red Sox: 27%
Brewers: 25%
Rays 24%
Rangers: 24%
Diamonbacks: 22%
Braves: 21%
Angels: 15%
Cardianls: 5%
The Phillies are the team to beat and have the toughest postseason roster, after that it’s closely matched but with he Tigers on a roll and the Yankees a good October team they have competition and the Brewers and D’Backs could beat them.  I can’t see the Wild Cards on either side making out of the DS series this year and the Rays have a great team and if they get in could be very underrated and sneak through the playoffs.  I also expect the Cards to be out of the race real soon, especiallyw ith tonight’s loss.

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